Member Contact Info

For existing members

In order to serve you well, we need to have an accurate record of your contact information. Please tell us, if you haven’t done so already this year, your full name, your address, your preferred phone number(s), and your email address. (Email addresses are particularly important as that will be the only way to get all of our notices and, when we publish them, our newsletters.)

If you joined as a couple, we need both your names and for each of you your preferred phone number(s) and email and US mail addresses.

You may give us this information several ways. We’d prefer it either in an email to

or in a letter mailed to our post office box.

P.O. Box 51893
Irvine, CA 92619

If that isn’t feasible for you, please call our phone number (714) 376-4491 and leave a voice message (but be careful, say things twice, and spell out anything we might not catch on first hearing).

And, of course, please update that information any time it changes.

To become a new member

Download our new-member application here, fill it it out and mail it back to us. Or, if you have the ability to scan the completed document, you may email it back to us. You may either enclose a check with your new-member application, or you may pay your membership fee through our web page on its Donate page. (And either way, you certainly may also include a donation above and beyond your membership fee, if you wish.)

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